Visitors from Abroad

Tamale Youth Home Cultural Group has a long tradition of hosting students and other visitors from abroad. We offer workshops and individual teaching in drumming and dance. Our group members are very experienced teachers in drumming and dance. We invite visitors to join our daily rehearsals as well. We also arrange performances for visitors and always try to involve the audience in the dance.

In addition, we provide other services for visitors, including arranging accommodations, travel to Tamale, and tours in Northern Ghana. In September 2017 we started Tamale Cultural Tours which provide guided tours to many destinations. Please look up Tamale Cultural Tours on this  homepage.  


TYHCG has hosted many guests over the years. Many come to study the culture, drumming and dancing. Visitors have come from: Canada (students), US (students from Ohio University, tourists and members of NGOs), Holland (volunteers), Denmark (cultural travellers, music students, high school students, members of NGOs), Egedal Music School, Denmark (music teachers), Ranum Highschool, Denmark (students, teachers and parents), Hald Ege Senior High School, Denmark  and International Peoples College, Helsingore, Denmark (students and teachers).

Visitors  before and after the lock down due to covid-19

- ​Argentina. Workshop and performance with a group of student.

-​ Denmark. Workshops and performance in Daloon for a group of  80 students from a Senior High School in Denmark (Hald Ege Ungdomsskole).

-​ Denmark. Performances and workshops for visitors from International Peoples College (IPC) in Denmark.

- Belgium. Students from Belgium. 

- USA. Entertainment for American people from Operation Smile at Gaana Hotel Limited

​- USA. Workshops with Dr. Habib Chester Iddrisu. 

- Denmark. Visits from Marselisborg High School, workshops and performances.  

​- Argentina, Buenos Aires. Performance and workshops.

- Denmark. Workshops and performance in Daloon for a group of 80 students from a Senior High School in Denmark (Hald Ege Ungdomsskole).

- Denmark. Start up visit by Annemarie Grüner and Lise Drewes Nielsen. The project Cultural Awareness - a tool for sustainable development among young people in Tamale Ghana.

​- University of Alberta, Canada. Performance, workshops and travelling in the North.

- Denmark and US. Follow up visit and training by Dale Mendoza, Trille Roost, Annemarie Grüner and Lise Drewes Nielsen. The project Cultural Awareness - a tool for sustainable development among young people in Tamale Ghana.

- Eight cultural travellers from Denmark hosted and guided by Tamale Cultural Tours. 

- Denmark. 

- Action Aid. Performance.

- Workshops and Performances for a group of students from Hald Ege Ungdomsskole, Denmark.

- Workshops and Performances for Ghana Venner (Ghana Friends), Denmark. 


Tamale Youth Home​ Cultural Group

​State Street, former Regional Administration Road Tamale,

Northern Region - Ghana

​P.O. Box 601, Tamale, Ghana, West Africa

​Abdul-Rahaman Mohammed, Group-leader: Tel. +233 244708222 /+233 203636908

​Ibrahim Zakaria, Assistant leader: Tel.  +233 242315820

All photos can be copied with reference to this homepage