Trips Abroad

2017.​ In Summer the group traveled to Burkina Faso and joined and performed at a festival.

2015-2016.  Firdaus Alhassan and Abu Sulemana, two members of TYHCG  attended International Peoples College (IPC) in Elsinore (Helsingør), Denmark. They were both granted scolarships by IPC and were supported by friends from Europe and US. 

2015. In Autumn eight members of TYHCG went to Greenland invited by Kenneth Horsbrugh, manager of Nuuk Music School. The group performed and had workshops in schools, libraries, cultural houses etc.​

2015. Four members of TYHCG went to Denmark. The tour was  financed by Civil Society Fund (CISU) and the Danish Friendship Association. The group performed at Peoples Highschool in Ranum, West Jutland and Helsingør, Folkemødet Bornholm, and various cultural events in Helsingør, Vordingborg, Birkerød, Albertslund and Sejerø.

2013. Eight members of TYHCG went to Denmark to join a contemporary music and dance show. The show Put Your Hands Together was financed by Center for Cultural Development (CKU) and Egedal Municipality. In collaboration with Egedal Music School the group developed several choreographic contemporary dances which were performed  with students from the Egedal Music School in three performances (with 650 people in the audience). During their stay in Denmark they also arranged workshops and performances at schools and cultural centers in Jutland and Copenhagen Area.

2011. Eleven members from Tamale Youth Home Cultural Group visited Denmark in the project Developing traditional music and Dance in Dagbon financed by Center for Cultural Development (CKU) and Egedal Municipality. During their stay they followed the teaching in Egedal Music School and provided workshops, performed in Vordingborg (schools and cultural center), in Ballerup (the chocolate company, Toms), Ranum High School in Jutland and at cultural houses and high schools in Jutland and the Copenhagen Area.

2010. Abdul-Rahaman Mohammed traveled to US invited by professor Pascal Younge, Ohio State University.

2007. Abdul-Rahaman Mohammed and Mutala Karim, a former group member, now teaching at the University of Legon in Accra, went to Denmark and Norway to perform and teach.

2000. Abdul-Rahaman Mohammed stayed at IPC – International People's College in Elsinore. 


​Denmark 2013

Greenland 2015

Tamale Youth Home​ Cultural Group

​State Street, former Regional Administration Road Tamale,

Northern Region - Ghana

​P.O. Box 601, Tamale, Ghana, West Africa

​Abdul-Rahaman Mohammed, Group-leader: Tel. +233 244708222 /+233 203636908

​Ibrahim Zakaria, Assistant leader: Tel.  +233 242315820

All photos can be copied with reference to this homepage